Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 10: Cape Raoul

Sunday 30th: Walk 43: Cape Raoul.
17 walks and 4 days to go!  The big finale is on Thursday 3rd Jan on King Island.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 7: not quite Hobart

Yum!  Eaten in 5 minutes :-)

On the way to Hobart to walk to the Organ Pipes, Mt Wellington.

Day 6: # 27: Mt Rufus

7am: breakfast on the way up Mt Rufus.
2.5hrs later: at the top!

9:30pm: a decent shower and a well-earned Pure Blonde
at an old pub in the National Park.

Day 5: Christmas Day: Franklin River Nature Trail

What better way to spend Christmas Day?

Monday, December 24, 2012

Day 4: Cradle Mountain

Walk  17: on top of Cradle Mountain.  There's snow up here.  A white Christmas!

Day 3: Stanley

On top of The Nut.  12 down, 48 to go...

Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 1: Flinders Island: Trousers Point and Mt Strzelecki

Walk #1: Trousers Point to Fotheringate Bay

Walk #1: view from Fotheringate to Mt Strzelecki

Walk #2: Strzelecki Peaks

Walk #2: Mt Strzelecki summit

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Almost ready to go...

Tomorrow's the big day, the first of fourteen days of tight scheduling, lots of walking, hearing inspiring stories, and fundraising for a vital cause.

In the past few days Dave and Kathleen have been interviewed by The Examiner (Sunday Examiner; 16th Dec 2012) and ABC Northern Tasmania (Thursday 20th Dec 2012).  Word is spreading of this amazing vision!

A trip like this doesn't just plan itself overnight.  Months of planning have gone into this trip, and many people have amazingly offered time, goods and services along the way.

Huge thanks so far go to:
* Carman's for two weeks' worth of muesli bars and muesli
* Gary and Diana for the use of their car for the trip
* Bron and David for offering to be chauffeurs
* everyone who has so far donated via Everyday Hero Australia or in the buckets around Flinders Island.

David and Kathleen will be carrying fundraising buckets with them on their walks.  If you see them out and about, please give generously.  (In the interests of keeping the buckets light and D&K's energy levels high please donate notes instead of coins!  ;-)